February 27, 2012

Despicable Me (2010)

Finally kesampaian juga nonton film ini..
Gue dah gemess banget pas liat avatar yg trnyata tokoh agnes di cartoon ini..
sbenernya gw dah punya film ini di HD dah lama banget,
tapi ya kesimpen gitu ajah..
sampai akhirnya weekend ini gw liat film2 di HD dan nemu deh.. hahah

The story is about Mr.Gru, orang yg cuek, mau menang sendiri, egois,
pokoknya sifatnya gak banget deh..
Dia tuh sangat berambisi jadi the greatest villain ever! Nah, ternyata ada another villain yg juga lihai, bahkan sampai nyuri piramida Giza di Mesir. Karena ga mau kalah, dia niat membuat suatu pencurian yg bahkan lebih besar dari itu. Dia mau nyuri bulan!! Ya ampun! Kebayang ga sih.. bulan aja mau dicuri coba.. ckck
Nah terus, untuk menyukseskan rencananya, dia butuh dana.. sayangnya ga dikasih pinjeman kecuali dia dah ready dengan segala persiapan beserta alatnya.. akhirnya dia nyuri alat pengecil/shrinker yg bisa membuat benda apapun jadi kecil.
Saat dia nyuri, eh alat pengecilnya direbut dari dia oleh si another villain ini. Si penjahat yg satu lagi itu namanya Vector. Hobinya bikin senjata andalan dengan peluru hewan hidup.. ada senjata piranha lah, cumi-cumi lah, Haiahh..  =="
Eniwei, pokoknya utk nyuri kembali senjata itu dia butuh 3anak yatim-piatu yg sering ngejualin cookies ke rumah si Vector ini..

Those three orphans named Margo, Edith, and Agnes. Si Margo yg paling tua adalah yg paling dewasa. Kalo si Edith lebih kelihatan bandel gitu. Nah, kalo si Agnes, sumpah imut bangetts.. >,<
Akhirnya, si Mr.Gru yg tadinya sebel ama ketiga anak itu, malah berbalik 180 derajad sayang banget sama ketiganya. Bahkan sampai ngedistract fokus si Gru yang rencana awalnya sangat berambisi untuk nyuri bulan. Karena itu, si Professor tua yg dah lama kerja bareng si Gru maksa Gru utk kembaliin mereka ke panti asuhan.
Margo, edith, dan agnes sgt sedih karena hrus kembali ke panti dan ketemu lagi sama si Ms.Hattie yg menyebalkan ataupun musti nginep di Box of Shame segala.

Singkat cerita, si Gru berhasil nyuri bulan. Namun, ternyata ketiga anak tadi diculik sama si Vector. Gru bisa ngedapetin mereka kembali kalau nyerahin bulan ke Vector. Naasnya, abis ngedapetin bulan, si Vector malah kabur. Dikejarlah dia sama si Gru. Tapi endingnya kk adek itu kembali ke rumah Gru lagi kok. :)

Ada satu bagia yg gw suka. Dulunya si Gru ga ada sayang2nya sama anak2 itu. Bacain dongeng pun juga jangan harap. Nah, di akhir, si Gru ngebacain dongeng karangan dia sendiri.
Judulnya: One Big Unicorn. Katanya2 tuh nyentuh deh. Karena berasal dari hari si Gru sendiri. :)

Nih, gw dongengin ya...
"One big unicorn strong and free thought he was happy as he could be. Then three little kittens came around and turned his whole life upside down. They made him laugh. They made them cry. He never should have said goodbye. And now he knows he could never part from those three little kitten that changed his heart."

Di akhir cerita mereka bertiga nampilin tarian balet swan lake gitu yg disaksiin ama Gru, ibunya si Gru, sama minnions2 yg buanyak.. at the end, musicnya jadi funky2 gituh.. pada joged-joged deh mereka.. termasuk si Vector yg masih ketinggalan di Bulan.. hahah..
For more, nih gw share pics from the movie.. enjoyy!!

Mr.Gru and three little kittens (Margo, Edith, and Agnes)

Minnions yang imut2!! >,<

Ini si Elsie fisher yg jd suara si Agnes cute.. >,< bareng ama Dana Gaier(baju pink) sbg suara Edith. :)

Waktu pergi ke taman bermain inilah si Mr.Gru mulai syang ama mereka bertiga. :)

February 21, 2012

I Luv Ice Cream

Abis pulang ngantor tadi, seperti biasa gw beli makan dulu baru pulang ke rumah. Nahh, kebetulan gw singgah di Circle K dulu. yahh, lagi pengen ngemil. Masuklah gw, aaaandd.. I found the new ice creaam!! >,<
entah apa gw yg telat gaul apa emang itu ice cream baru, pokoknya gw baru kali itu makan es krim yg variant tsb...
I like it.. hmm.. yummy!! I luuuv ice cream..   :9

oiaa, forget to mention what variant is that. Variant-nya rasa Classico: Black and white. sebelum2nya pasti beli yg  Disc Chocolate, atau Disc Strawberry Cheesecake, or yg blackforest gitu..

Besok2 beli ice cream lagi ahh.. hahaha..


February 19, 2012

Singapore Holiday (April 2011)

It's almost been a year since that vacation to Singapore.
Me and my friends (Feby, Tiwi, Cindhy, and Riani) went to singapore on April last year.
We've had prepared for that vacation from a year before. We saved our money, made the plan about the place we'd like to go, the route, the hotel for us to sleepover, things that we need to bring, and everything. hihi
Actually, at first it'll be 8 people who will go, but three others (Rista, Liu Xin Yu, and Trang) cannot go for several reasons. Therefor, we ended up being five only. However, it was such a big experience for all of us. During a week there, we experienced so many things. From the food, the city walk, Universal Studio, even the Botanical Garden the place i insisted to go even though my friends thought that's an absurd choice for going. hahahaha..

We made such a great memories there. I really missed that moment. Hope that we can go altogether again in the near future, girls.  :(
Just to recall again so i post some of my pictures in Singapore.

This photo was taken in Soekarno-Hatta Airport, the first picture before depart to Singapore . Thanks to Ka' Luky yg udh fotoin..  Satu2nya foto dimana lima orangnya lengkap. hahah

Ini adalah wihara thailand gitu. Letaknya right beside the mosque di ChinaTown, tempat gw baru abis shalat. Temen2 lagi pada nungguin gw, dan abs shalat foto2 dehh.. It was the first day we arrived there and langsung walk around. yuhuu..

This is Marina Bay. After took the MRT, keluar station jalan lumayan jauh, nyampe deh disini. this is where the famous place located. Ada gedung esplanade (tuh yg mirip mata lalat dibelakang foto), Hotel Marina yg atasnya kapal, Mall Marina, Fullerton Hotel, dan kalo jalan lagi lwat Helix Bridge kita akan sampai di Singapore Flyer. :)

Well, foto2 yang lainnya nyusul deh ya..
I'll update it later on..
Daaaah... Annyong! ^^

Review: Source Code (2011)

Well, selain words from me, in this blog I'd like to share about the movies that i've watched..
Tadi malem sih ya, gw nonton source code.
This movie starring Jake Gyllenhall as Captain Colter Steven and Michelle Monaghan as Christina Warren. Agak membingungkan sih di awal. Tapi overall lumayan lah.

Jadi cerita si Captain Colter Steven ini adalah seorang tentara militer yg sedang menjalankan tugasnya di Afghanistan. Somehow, dy tiba2 berada dalam sebuah kereta dengan seorg perempuan bernama Christina duduk di depannya and keep telling him that his name is Sean Fentress.
Soon, he found out that he's part of a mission to find the bomber didalam sebuah kereta yg menuju Chicago. Right after the bomb exploded, si kapten kembali lagi ke tubuhnya yang ternyata berada dalam sebuah kapsul. Di sana, ada si Goodwin yang nanyain dia detil2 apa yg terjadi di kereta. Then he knows that he's part of a government experiment called the Source Code, a program that enables him to cross over into another man's identity in the last 8 minutes of his life.
jadilah dia bolak-balik ke masa lalu and within 8 minutes he has to find who's the bomber in that train. Di dalam kereta itu pulalah dia jatuh cinta dengan si Christina ini. 

Ada beberapa kata2 yang gw suka dalam film ini, contohnya
Steven: Christina, what would you do if you knew you had less than one minute to live?  --   Christina: I'd make those seconds count.

Ada juga dialog yg membuat gw inget akan film Ayat-Ayat Cinta. hahah.. waktu itu si Steven bilang, "Do you believe in faith?" then she answered, "Tidak juga. Aku lebih seperti gadis mencari keberuntungan."
hmm, si Christina tipe yang realistis kayanya.
Terus juga pas waktu si C.Steven nelpon ayahnya. Sebenarnya hubungan si Steven ama ayahnya tidak harmonis. tapi dia sebenarnya sangat menyayangi ayahnya. Then, when he get the chance mnjadi manusia, he called his father. Dia berpura2 mengaku temannya si Steven hanya karena dia rindu akan suara ayahnya. Sedih ya.. :(

 Well, akhirnya orang yg memasang bomb-nya ketahuan kok dan bisa ditangkap. Di akhir film, there's an email from Steven to Goodwin. Di email itu dia nulis gini:
"Lily awoke in an evening dress and an opera cloak. In her hand were 5 playing cards. At some point today, you're gonna hear about a failed terrorist attack on a commuter train near Chicago. You and I kept that bomb from going off. If you're reading this e-mail, then Source Code works even better than you and Dr. Rutledge imagined. You thought you were creating 8 minutes of a past event, but you're not. You've created a whole new world. Goodwin, if I'm right, somewhere at the Source Code facility, you have a Capt. Colter Stevens waiting to send on a mission. Promise me you'll help him. And when you do, do me a favor: tell him everything is gonna be okay."

Agak membingungkan juga sih ya tuh email. But, that's okay lha. Nice movie. :)
Di bawah ada link utk liat trailer-nya if you want to see,

Source Code Trailer

See ya, in the next review..

February 18, 2012

First Day of My Life

So I found a reason to stay alive
Try a little harder, see the other side.  
Talking to myself - Too many sleepless nights, 
Trying to find a meaning to this stupid life.

I don't want your sympathy, Sometimes I don't know who to be.  

Hey what ya looking for? No one has the answer - 
They just want more  
Hey who's gonna make it back?  
This could be the first Day of my life 

Hey You Guys,  Apa kabar? :)
Firda is HERE!!! hahaha...  It is really my brand new blog.. this is the first time i ever made a blog, actually.. and still not really sure what I'm about to say..
But, for me  myself, i think that if you cannot say it in words, then say it in a song..

Do you happen to know that song above?
it's from Melanie C, member of Spice Girl, titled First Day of My Life

Ga ada alasan khusus sih kenapa gw pilih lagu ini jadi my first entry
it's just because i think this song represent my new existence di dunia perblogging-an right now..
huehehehe . .

so, keep watching for my entries to come !!
Annyong !!